If you're hitting your head up against a wall because your home will not sell, take heart! You are not alone. Despite stories of record home sales in most of the USA, many homes are not being sold anywhere near as fast as they should be. The vast majority of home sellers use a Realtor to help sell their home, but that may not help your chances of actually finding a buyer.
Most homeowners that want to sell hate bad news. Realtors hate giving potential clients bad news. People who try to sell it themselves hate bad news. That's why the vast majority of homes that haven't been sold after 30 days or more on the market just sit there. It's a total lack of communication and force of will to do what's necessary to make a home desirable enough to sell quickly and at full price.
Before you ever call a Realtor or place a For Sale By Owner sign on the front lawn, be sure you're house is ready to be sold. Time spent now is time saved later. Start by compiling a list of things that may need repair. When it's time for the home inspection, everything that needs repair is going to be discovered anyway and will slow you down on the road to closing.
If your home is in pretty good shape, then watch for annoying cosmetic or minor repair items that will be jotted down during the home inspection. These include broken or missing wall plates for electrical outlets, non-functional light or other electrical switches, broken thermostats or temperature controllers, leaky or improperly functioning toilets or water faucets (make sure faucet handles are present and in working order, even on water outlets for Clothes Washers or Dishwashers), damaged ceiling fans, broken appliances, ripped or overly worn carpeting, cracked cement, windows that do not easily open and close, doors that are warped, non-working garage door openers or mold (that's a biggie).
When people come to view your home, they want to visualize themselves in it. Empty houses turn most buyers off. Other big turn off's are poor lighting, old carpeting, stained walls or light fixtures, broken windows, dirty floors, running toilets, outdated kitchens or bathrooms, a messy yard (get rid of those ramshackle or rusted sheds and storage bins!), damaged or weathered decks or poorly maintain landscaping and fences. Most things that may be keeping you from selling are probably cosmetic. A few hundred or even thousand dollars spent to make your home look like a showplace is money well spent. The best buyers to have are those who fall in love with a home. Little if anything will keep them from rushing to the close and having really motivated buyers is half the battle.
Why use a Realtor? Because they are more then worth their commission. Just taking the Seller out of the picture during the showing or negotiation process is a valuable service. Experienced and successful Realtors will tell you that the biggest obstacle to selling a home is usually the Seller themselves. Either they don't listen to their Realtor (always a mistake), or interfere in the showing process. Want a quick sale? Don't be there when your home is being showed and always listen to the advice you Realtor offers.
Wanna close quickly? Make sure all your ducks are in order. Whether you are working with a Realtor or not, get everything in writing and make sure or your Realtor chooses a title company with impeccable credentials and references. Get any buyer-seller issues ironed out and any possible misunderstandings or contract sticking points ironed out before you sit down at the closing. Be sure your home is ready for the Home Inspection. The things that are most likely to help you fail are air/heating, water heater, plumbing, mold, inside-outside damage, termite and pest infestation, basement or attic and building foundation issues.
When you are selling your home and want a fast sale remember that Murphy's Law is in full activation mode: If anything can go wrong, it will go wrong. Be wise, be prepared, be informed and ask the right questions. Go over your property with a fine tooth comb. Visit other homes for sale in your area and see what they are doing better or worse and learn from them. Selling a home is a art that nobody really has time to properly learn, but common sense goes a long way when it comes to getting a quick sale.
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