Professional and Ghost Writing ServicesToday is and if you need Ghostwriting or other Professional Writing services, I can help. I will do all of your writing for you. If you want to write a book or need an article, web-ezine-newsletter content, an important letter or just about anything that helps you get your point across in a meaningful way, I can do that and rewrites as well. Most people do not have the patience to go through a lengthly work several times and polish it up. I will gladly do it. However, I do not take on ANY assignments involving term papers or any written material that is to be submitted for a grade.
Special Deal On Custom Articles - 800 Words for just $5I can write quality custom articles about any subject: Commercial (ads or promo pieces), advice, health, politics (any side, any issue), entertainment, topical and so on. Here are some sample articles: #1, #2, #3, #4. The cost is just $5 for an 800 page custom article. Buy it and the article belongs to you to use as you like - no strings attached and you can even place your own name on it as the author. You can pay by paypal or credit card online by using the button below. You will be taken to a form after you pay where you will be able to explain your article requirements and provide the information I will need to write it. My average completion time for an article is 24-48 hours.
Turn your idea or story into a custom Book or Ebook and make money!Books and Ebooks are a terrific way to make some extra cash these days. With programs like Amazon Kindle and CreateSpace, everyone who has a book can get it out there for sale without much effort. Sadly, not everyone can take the idea they have and turn it into a professionally-written book. That's where I come in. I can turn your idea or story into a book and help prepare the materials you'll need to promote it. Here are some excerpts from books I have written: #1, #2, #3 Email me for fees and other details at makelifeworkforyou@gmail.com. Include details about the project and your expectations. Visit my homepage.
The Value Of Custom Articles As Content and How To Successfully Use ThemMost people look to article banks for content. Why? Well, it’s FREE and that seems like a pretty good deal (until you take a closer look at what is available). Many of the articles found on these free content sites are not worth the price. People get turned off by garbage. They don’t want to read an article or essay that is little more than one phrase or a few keywords surrounded by filler. There is no value in placing content on your web site, in your ezine or newsletter that will annoy readers. You want to inform and entertain, but never annoy them. Annoyed readers will never come back to your site and probably trash talk it every chance they get online. On the other hand, people who enjoy what they read will come back and bring others. Great articles do not have to be expensive. I offer to ghost write custom articles at a price of 800 words for just $20. You choose the subject or topic, I write a professional article that will make your web site, ezine or newsletter attractive to people looking for high quality information. They may also be looking for free content. Have you thought about offering the articles on your web site as free content? It is a lot easier than you think. All you have to do is join a quality content provider like IdeaMarketers.com or GoArticles.com and use the syndication feed tools they offer. It is free to join and use. It’s also easy. No complicated rss or php hassles, just copy and paste some code and they do the rest. Are you taking advantage of social media buttons to promote your web site? Maybe, but you should place them at the bottom of each and every article you offer. People love to share good stuff and are much more likely to do so if you make it easy for them. Having those twitter, facebook and google buttons available for instant use can really put your web site on everyone’s radar. If you plan on adding new articles on a regular basis, consider a short YouTube presentation each week or every couple of weeks that spotlights some of the article topics. You can comment on the articles, topics and tell those watching a little bit about your web site, ezine or newsletter. If you decide to do this, make sure that you provide a link to your YouTube updates from your web site. Using quality content is all about letting people know you have it. That means developing good networking skills. Spread the work among your friends and acquaintances and ask them to tell everyone they know. Keep your content fresh by adding new articles all the time and make sure that you get the most from them by adding affiliate links related to the subject or topic of each. If you are not using affiliate links, you are probably missing out on getting at least one decent cash deposit a month. There are lots of good affiliate programs out there. I use and prefer ShareAsale.com because they make it easy to choose and add links. They also pay on time and have been honest as far as their dealings with me go. There are all kinds of arguments over what makes a good article. I say the answer lies in how much people enjoy reading it and how often they recommend what they have read to others. If you can interest and inspire a reader, your job is done. That is the gist of what the articles you offer should do. If you start with good content that really stands out, follow up with regular promotion and keep it all coming, you are bound to find success online.